Statement of Purpose

The Grove Patterson Academy will ensure that high academic expectations are held for all students: that all students are provided a positive and supportive place of learning: and that parents and community are engaged in helping students achieve high academic standards.


Grove Patterson Academy PTO Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the PTO is to provide a forum for Parents, Teachers and Staff to work together to improve and sustain the educational opportunity available at Grove Patterson Academy School.


Meetings and Memberships 

Monthly meetings provide us with the platform needed to discuss current school news, concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. You do not need to be a member of the PTO to attend our meetings. We more than welcome all parents, teachers and staff to attend. However, becoming a member grants you the privilege of contributing your vote towards important issues that arise. For example, policies, fundraisers, and electing new board members.

Grove Patterson Academy membership is open to all Grove Patterson Parents/Guardians of a Grove Patterson Academy student, Grove Patterson Academy Teachers and Staff.

A family membership is $10.00 and a single membership is $5.00 for one school year. This money is put into the Grove Patterson Academy PTO checking account for expenses including, but not limited to, bonding fee, insurance fee, supplies, and other PTO needs. (Financial records are recorded by the PTO Treasurer and are available for viewing if needed.)